Have you used your English this week?
I firmly believe that excellence comes from good habits.
So make a habit of doing something in English each week.
Start by reading one of my previous articles.
And do let me know what you think!
New Year's Resolutions for professionals
Some predictions for what will change after Covid
Why you should be lazy!
7 Styles of Influence
Where does okay come from?
Words for 2020
Are you on LinkedIn? Here is my simple guide to why you should be and how to start.
Holiday greetings in English for your Business contacts
How can you feel confident when you speak English?
Does alcohol help us speak English better?
Would you ever give a billion away?
Charles Darwin and the importance of adapting to your environment
Business English Abbreviations and Acronyms
Never mind your To-do list....Here's your Ta-da list!
Heroes wear masks
Have you caught 'Affluenza'?
Psychopaths at work
Are Greeks more successful abroad?
Euphemisms: How to be economical with the truth
Plans: They rarely survive contact with real life
Eponymous Laws: Murphy's Law, Parkinson's law, Moore's Law, the Peter Principle and Hanlon's Razor.
The power of counter-intuitive thinking
What can business people learn from children's books?
Why do we waste our time on money on things that aren't worth it?
It's a new brand day! An article about personal branding.
What should I say on my voice mail message?
Tasty tea and coffee idioms and expressions!
Do plagues follow bad leadership throughout history?